Preventing School Shootings without the Politics!

After traveling 30+ years to schools all over the world and conducting countless anti-bullying assemblies, workshops, and focus groups with students at all levels, I vehemently believe that we can prevent school shootings.  However, preventing school shootings requires a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders, including parents, educators, mental health professionals, and the community as a whole. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Encourage open communication: Foster an environment where children feel comfortable expressing their emotions and concerns. Encourage them to talk about any difficulties they may be facing, and actively listen without judgment.

2. Promote mental health awareness: Raise awareness about mental health issues and the importance of seeking help when needed. Encourage parents and teachers to be vigilant for signs of distress or changes in behavior, and provide resources for mental health support.

3. Implement comprehensive anti-bullying programs: Addressing bullying is crucial, as it can contribute to feelings of isolation and desperation in some children. Schools should have clear policies against bullying and provide education on empathy, kindness, and conflict resolution.

4. Strengthen social connections: Encourage the development of positive relationships among students. Promote activities that foster teamwork, empathy, and inclusivity, such as group projects, clubs, and extracurricular activities.

5. Enhance school security measures: Schools should have effective security measures in place, including controlled access points, surveillance systems, and emergency response plans. Regular drills and training can help prepare staff and students for potential threats.

6. Provide mental health support: Schools should have access to mental health professionals who can provide counseling services, identify high-risk students, and intervene when necessary. Early intervention and support can make a significant difference in preventing violence.

7. Encourage responsible media consumption: Promote responsible media coverage of school shootings, as sensationalized reporting can inadvertently contribute to further incidents. Encourage parents to monitor their children's media exposure and engage in discussions about violence and its consequences.

Remember, preventing school shootings is a complex issue, and no single solution can guarantee complete prevention. It requires a collective effort from all stakeholders involved. If you have specific concerns about a child's well-being or safety, I encourage you to reach out to local mental health professionals or school authorities for further assistance.  

And feel free to visit for more resources.


"love thy neighbor"
– Leviticus 19:18