New Teacher FUN-damentals


There is no college program that can prepare new teachers for the education roller coaster of laughing, crying, cheering, and worrying.  The enormity of the task ahead is made manageable with the New Teacher FUN-damentals by Master Teacher, Dr. Adolph Brown:

  • What Your Education Classes Didn’t Teach
  • Giving Up on Perfect
  • Balancing Rules With Relationships
  • Understanding Your Students
  • Appreciating Your Students & Parents, And Much More!
  • Meeting the needs of diverse learners with differentiation strategies
  • Classroom Management


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Second Year Teacher Refreshers 



To say that teaching is challenging would be an understatement.  Knowing that there are so many components to manage while learning new things, it is often difficult to remember the FUN-damentals.  We keep it simple and start with the small changes that make big positive differences in this master class:

  • Remembering What is Important
  • Taking Time To Take Care of Yourself
  • Breathing
  • Listening with Intention
  • Being Purposefully Positive


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Veteran Teacher Tune Up



Today teaching can be somewhat overwhelming with curriculum changes, standardized testing, and teacher evaluation systems coupled with the inherent challenges of managing a room full of diverse learners.  We have instructional and administrative coaches and mentors who support educators through “an epidemic of dissatisfaction” by resetting one’s attitude about knowing that they are doing something that matters in this world.  To help those struggling and coming close to that make-it or break-it threshold, education trainer, Dr. Brown provides mentoring, training and coaching in the following strategies:

  • Reflecting
  • Staying Positive
  • Finding Celebrations in Everyday Moments
  • Keeping Your Sense of Humor
  • Focusing on Relationships, Not Data, Paperwork, or Politics
  • Taking Pride In Seeing ALL students Become Empowered Learners At Every Level


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