Well-Known and Fun Healthcare & Caregiving Professionals Speaker
Dr. Adolph "Doc' Brown, III is known for CELEBRATING, APPRECIATING, & EDUCATING his audiences! The COVID-19 outbreak further intensified the already existing feelings of exhaustion, pressure, tension, sorrow, and anguish among healthcare professionals. As a healthcare professional and mental health Keynote speaker, Dr. Adolph "Doc" Brown, III's sessions are often described as "delightfully different" as he provides relevant and relatable evidenced based strategies delivered with heart and humor. Brown turns complex issues into bite-size pieces of common sense that are helpful to everyone in every profession. The World's Greatest Edutainer, Doc Brown is loved and admired for bringing humor to very serious situations while allowing his audience to take time and reflect on his purpose.
As a top healthcare and mental health keynote speaker and expert, Dr. Adolph “Doc” Brown, III fully understands and effectively addresses the emotional needs and mental health needs of healthcare workers. As the former project manager for the Vice-President of Sentara Hospitals, the chief psychology resident at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS), the crisis & trauma team supervisor for First Hospital Corporation, and a trained Critical Incident Stress Debriefer for first responders, Doc Brown has first-hand knowledge of the stressors of the professional as well the appropriate protective factors required to best function in these environments. Doc Brown is extremely proud that his introduction to the medical and healthcare profession began as a Certified Nurse's Aide at Eastern State Hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Dr. Adolph 'Doc" Brown, III has been described as one for the Best Funny Healthcare Keynote Speakers from addressing the National Medical Association (NMA), the National Surgical Assistants Association (NSAA), the National School Nurses Association (NASN), Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Managed Care Organizations (MCO), Nurses Assistants Organizations, Primary and Urgent Care Groups, & more. Audiences have come to know Doc Brown as an inspiring and engaging healthcare speaker and consultant to the Caregiving Industry and Medical Profession. Doc Brown is known for being one of the best healthcare motivational speakers today as a direct result of his engaging, fun, relatable, relevant, and YES - entertaining presentations! Many say he the best mental health speaker today, and his Best-Selling book "Two Backpacks" puts him on the short list of the best Trauma-Informed speakers around!
Keynotes For Healthcare and Caregiving Professionals
The healthcare workforce in the United States has been subjected to unprecedented strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in severe shortages and a surge in healthcare worker burnout, fatigue, and psychological distress. Consequently, their anxiety levels skyrocketed, and they faced an increased risk of harm to themselves. Disturbingly, certain healthcare workers exhibited symptoms resembling post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their experiences during the pandemic. Additionally, some individuals continued to suffer from lingering symptoms after contracting COVID-19 personally.
To Serve Well, You Must Live Well™ Self-Care For Healthcare Professionals
Self-care is for all! We cannot control everything that life throws our way, but we can control how well we take care of ourselves. Self-care for professionals is about taking care of your own mental health and wellbeing so that you can effectively support people you work with, live with and love. This is an upbeat and eye-opening journey of reflection, connection and in many cases redirection.
Learning Objectives
1. Participants will learn 5 Self-Care practices for every area of their life.
2. Participants will learn the key to living a balanced life. -
Finding Your "WHY?"
Whether you are a CEO, a board member, an employee, a team leader or an entrepreneur, finding your WHY infuses passion and purpose into your work. Dr. Adolph Brown inspiringly guides those who have lost their way, find their WHY.
Learning Objectives
1. Participants will either rediscover their WHY or find it for the first time.
2. Participants will learn how to live their WHY and inject inspiration into those around them.
Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover! Creating Safe Spaces & Promoting Psychological Safety for ALL!
Dr. Adolph Brown has studied psychological safety, the empathy gap, and stereotype threat for over three decades and has helped thousands of corporate and education professionals worldwide become more aware of the unconscious attribution of particular qualities to a member of a certain social group. Dr. Brown does not offer a training per se, as much as he offers a philosophy and an awareness to embrace when dealing with others. Dr. Brown acknowledges under certain conditions ALL of us have automatic associations that can influence our behavior - making individuals respond in biased ways even when they are not explicitly prejudiced. This is often referred to as "racism without racists."
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this program the attendees will gain the following:
1. Participants will understand that perception can distort one's attitude and subsequent treatment either in favor or against a given person or group.
2. Participants will promote psychological safety among team members without "shaming and blaming."
Putting Down What You Are Carrying...& Preparing For The Tasks At Hand!
Our personal troubles, private challenges, and societal crises beyond our control can become baggage over time, and we risk dumping it on others. Putting down the baggage can be scary. It will require us to redefine who we are and what we are capable of becoming. Unresolved issues due to the disruption of the pandemic, unforeseen setbacks, societal unrest, neglected relationships, career failures, illnesses, or huge financial loss may lead to over indulgent and/or other unhealthy behavior in order to mask underlying issues. Our future success depends on our willingness to unpack and put down our baggage. Join Dr. Brown on this remarkable journey of “letting it go and emptying it out.”
Learning Objectives:
- Learn that once we rid ourselves of the limiting negative thoughts, feelings, judgments, experiences, we can experience fulfillment in our natural state.
- Learn that acknowledgement is crucial to unloading these issues and beginning the journey onward.
Championship Habits: Winning In The Workplace!
Employee's essential skills formerly known as "soft skills," or lack thereof, can affect an organization's bottom line. To be successful in today's job market, professionals need a combination of occupation specific technical skills and the more universally applicable soft skills (or the skills that represent a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitude and social graces that make someone a good employee and someone compatible with whom to work). This presentation is designed for organizations and corporations who may have colleagues and/or employees that may have missed the lessons that often mark us on social graces, ability with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this program the attendees will gain the following:- Learn the critical A, B, C's of essential skills: Attitude for Altitude, Better Behavior vs. Bitter Behaving, and Character.
- Lead your life incorporating essential skills at every turn...ensuring that your work and workplace are rewarding, profitable, and a quality experience!